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SYNFULLY SUN-KISSED, from Antonino Salon and Primary Syn Hair Color’s most recent trend release, “SYNFUL-2015” has arrived just in time for the warm weather and is perfect for someone who has never had color before and wants to add a little “summer” into their hair.

“By placing light and dark colors in specific places, it makes the highlights pop” said Anthony Marsalese, owner of Antonino Salon and Spa in Birmingham, Michigan. Adding “light colors appear brighter when they are next to darker colors. And since, the color is so subtle, the new growth will be very diffused, making this a perfect color for someone who doesn’t want to make a total commitment to hair color”.

Be sure to reserve your appointment today to see if SUN-KISSED hair color is right for you and to see for yourself why Antonino Salon and Spa is the best salon in Birmingham.


Photography by Jenny Risher

Makeup by Todd Scog of Todd's Room

Styled by Jeff Newsom

Blog Content by Jeff Davison

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